The Complete Guide To CBD Oil For Appetite Loss In Dogs

The Complete Guide To CBD Oil For Appetite Loss In Dogs


Does your dog refuse to touch its favorite meal? Although most canines have a reputation of being finicky eaters, sometimes their unwillingness to eat is triggered by a health problem.

Inappetence in these furry creatures might result from an infection, injury, contact with poisonous food, aging, stress, or a serious medical condition. Due to the variety of possible causes, it’s paramount to determine the exact reason in order to provide the best treatment. Anyhow, CBD oil is believed to be beneficial in restoring appetite in canines, regardless of the root of the condition.

The following guide explains the causes of appetite loss in dogs and the role of cannabidiol in its treatment.

Potential causes

The most frequent cause for loss of appetite in canines is a particular illness, which suppresses their feeling of hunger. Similar to humans, dogs don’t feel like eating when suffering from some kind of pain or ailment. If their reluctance towards food persists for a couple of days, it might be an indicator of bacterial, viral, or a urinary tract infection. Click here for some useful tips about the treatment of urinary tract problems in these furry creatures.

Moreover, in case your companion demonstrates reluctance towards drinking water, accompanied by its loss of interest in food, the reason behind appetite loss might be much graver. For instance, inappetence might be a symptom of cancer or kidney failure, which is why you need to schedule an immediate vet check-up to prevent more severe health consequences.

Another common reason for a lack of appetite in canines is consuming poisonous or spoiled substances, which result in an upset stomach. Since dogs aren’t capable of making a difference between edible and rotten food, these creatures end up eating everything they find tempting to try.

Therefore, dogs usually feel nauseous after consuming food leftovers from the garbage or some insects, which are highly likely to induce vomiting and sickness. In such cases, they experience reduced appetite solely for a few days until their bowel movements go back to normal.

Sustaining an injury is yet another cause of inappetence in canines, mainly determined by the intensity of pain that your pet is experiencing. The more powerful the pain the greater the reluctance of dogs towards food. Other factors that contribute to hunger suppression in the case of an injury are the potency of the painkillers administered to your pet as well as its depressive behavior. These furry creatures tend to get depressed when going through insufferable pain, which even further discourages them from eating regularly.

Furthermore, senior canines are prone to experiencing changes in their eating habits as they get older, by becoming pickier about food. Since aging pets spend much less time on physical exercise, they require a considerably lower amount of energy to perform their everyday activities. Hence, dogs need less food to be provided with a sufficient amount of energy.

Ultimately, stress is known to be a common cause of inappetence, occurring every time your companion experiences a potential change in its environment. Pets aren’t exactly fond of changes, which makes them feel stressed and anxious whenever a new family member, animal, or visitor enters their comfort zone. Consequently, dogs refuse to eat for as long as they feel agitated.

Common symptoms

When it comes to appetite loss in canines, your companion might demonstrate symptoms of pseudo-anorexia and true anorexia. The former indicates that your beloved pet shows interest in food but is impeded from eating because of a physical problem. Conversely, the latter refers to dogs who lack even the slightest desire to consume food.

Apart from refusing to eat its meals, your fluffy friend might become finicky even about its favorite foods. Also, dogs that experience appetite loss are likely to feel lethargic, weak, and depressed. The ones who experience inappetence due to cancer treatments are susceptible to nausea and vomiting.

The benefits of CBD oil

The best treatment for loss of appetite in pets is determined by the cause of this condition, particularly if your pet is unwilling to touch its food for more than 24 hours. Besides taking him/her to the veterinarian and making alterations to its diet, you’re encouraged to try a natural remedy, such as CBD oil.

Cannabidiol has proven to be incredibly effective in the treatment of inappetence in pets, owing to the myriad of beneficial properties. Nowadays, there are numerous CBD sellers, like, which specialize in offering a variety of CBD oils, tinctures, topicals, and treats for pets. However, cannabidiol oil is believed to be the most effective variant due to its incredible potency and high bioavailability rate.

It can be administered either sublingually or added to your dog’s food. If your companion is reluctant to consume this remedy, you can try administering CBD treats, which canines seem to adore. By increasing the production of ghrelin through its interaction with the endocannabinoid system, this natural remedy is effective in stimulating hunger. It also alleviates nausea and vomiting in canines suffering from cancer, thus facilitating the exhausting treatment of this aggressive disease.

Read more: 6 Tips To Save Hundreds of Dollars on Pet Care

Finally, CBD induces positive emotions in pets by stimulating the production of the happiness hormone. Consequently, your companion will forget about its depressive behavior and renew its interest in food, physical activity, and daily habits.


CBD can make your pet feel hungry again.

Give it a chance!

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Mike John

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